Divergence of Opinion - Agree to disagree

The following questions have the most significant divergence of opinion. Our agreement on these statements is pollarised. People who have strong views on these statements will find that everyone does not neccessarily agree with them. It would be interesting to see the demographics behind which groups favour which views, or what wording has caused people to have differing views. (More Analysis Soon) Note, the red dot on the gray line indicates whether society, as a whole, tends towards agreement or disagreement with each statement.

1) Religion - References to Jesus or any specific religion should be removed from procedures of parliament and legislature Disagree

2) NZ Election 2011 - I would like the Mana Party to be in the winning coalition Disagree

3) Environment - There should be a 20 cent levy on shopping bags at supermarkets Disagree

4) Law And Order - The provocation defence for murder should be repealed Disagree

5) NZ Election 2011 - I would like the Labour Party to be in the winning coalition Disagree

6) Law And Order - Legal aid entitlements should be tightened, reducing the income thresholds and increasing repayment requirement Disagree

7) Tax - We should remove GST on food Disagree

8) Asset Sales - The government should own at least one television station Disagree

9) Privacy and Freedom - Gay and Lesbian marriages should be allowed by law Disagree

10) Environment - NZ should remain Nuclear Weapon Free, but consider the viability of Nuclear Energy Disagree

11) Religion - Jesus is the son of god Disagree

12) Law And Order - Marijuana should be legalised, eg no fine and no criminal record, but limits on how much can be grown Disagree

13) Employment - Paid parental leave should be extended to 26 weeks Disagree

14) Housing - There should be a capital gains tax Disagree

15) Education - Healthy school lunches should be funded by government for all under 12 year olds Disagree

16) Privacy and Freedom - Our laws are too liberal, we need stronger social laws to strengthen the family unit. Disagree

17) Tax - We should remove GST on fresh fruit and vegetables Disagree

18) Adulthood - The drinking age of 18 years should be raised to 20 years Disagree

19) Housing - Housing shortages is a short term problem that can be minimised by slowing imigration Disagree

20) Law And Order - The death penalty is the correct punishment for mass murderers. Disagree

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