Rich nations should decrease their subsidies and tariffs so that third world farmers can trade their way out of debt. ?
On average, everyone strongly agrees with nonconsensus between 238 voters. |
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Rich nations should decrease their subsidies and tariffs so that third world farmers can trade their way out of debt.
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Reasons To DisagreeWhy penalise ourselves for the inability of others to make do in a world marketplace 30 March 2006
Reasons To AgreeYou would have to be mad to oppose this - no one will oppose third world nations getting out of poverty. 6 December 2006
sounds good , getting it to work is another matter 11 May 2007
how can people be so greedy and arrogant to treat others as though they chose to be in situations in which they are starving, malnourished, ill and generally lacking in what we consider to be a life. We should do EVERYTHING to help these people. 5 August 2007
Reasons for Remain Neutral
Stupid dual question - EVERYBODY should reduce subsidies and tariffs to promote trade for EVERYBODY.
we are only citizens of our countrys,we dont have any say,the government will always have his say and it will never be open to discussion.we are only but people of our nation,there is nothing we can do at all to help these countrys in isnt our problem at all.
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