Here are some recent comments people have made as a reason to vote for or against a statement.
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Marijuana should be legalised, eg no fine and no criminal record, but limits on how much can be grown
I strongly agree because:
(June 19)
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We should remove GST on food
I strongly agree because:
The UK has no VAT(GST) on unprocessed food. It greatly reduces the basic cost of living especially for low income families.
(March 2)
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Defendents who were found not guilty, must prove their innocence before any compensation should be paid
I strongly agree because:
For the trials like david bains then yeah most certainly. He never spoke and let lawyers do his talking, bain is a coward and a murderer
(November 6)
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Marijuana should be decriminalised, eg a $100 fine with no criminal record
I strongly agree because:
Alcohol causes more damage to society than weed ever will
(November 6)
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Current punishments for small crimes is too weak
I strongly agree because:
Make em bust rocks day in day out till their sentence is completed in full. Bet they dont reoffend.
(November 6)
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Current punishments for hard crimes is too weak
I strongly agree because:
The gov has been to soft for to long and now crime is out of control. Life needs to mean life and not just 10 or so years. A victim of murder cant come back to life after 10 years so why should the crim be released. Instant death penalty for those found to be importing or making /selling ice. Murder and rape should be death.Gangs need to be erradicated like the vermin they all are.take a hard stand and we will all be better off. At the moment crims are just running amok with no real fear of consequence. Fear of a bullet or a hangmans noose woukd snap em back into line . Spineless gov needs to take a stand first though.
(November 6)
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We should remove GST on fresh fruit and vegetables
I strongly agree because:
Food should be categorised from unhealthy food to very healthy food. Healthy food should not only have GST removed it should be subsidised at a level depending on its rating of healthiness. More unhealthy food gets taxed like cigarettes to pay for subsidy. win win when diabetes rates start dropping
(October 27)
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The age for purchasing tobacco should be lowered from 18 years to 16 years
I strongly agree because:
If you lower the age to 16 they will stop asking older people to buy them Tabacco products. The good thing about this is they have some what an adult decision to make as if they smoke or not.
(August 1)
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3 strikes and you're out
I strongly disagree because:
No, 1 strike and you're out!
(June 4)
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I earn enough money to live comfortably
I partially disagree because:
Majority of NZ is old Huntly brick houses that are deprived and overgrown with uncut lawns and old gardens left to overgrow from the 1980s
(May 21)
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NZ is a great place to live
I am neutral because:
Its a good place to live when you like bush walks. Thats about it.
Also being able to feel safe though is good. Other than that, we have very few enjoyable activities that dont cost the earth in our country other than swimming and walking. We have heaps of AWESOME things to do when it comes to adventure tourism but that costs WAY to much money which I'd rather spend on rent or food for the week.
(May 21)
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I am well educated
I partially agree because:
Educated? Yes
Put under stressful and much too extreme pressure to learn the things I dont understand or have no desire to understand as a 14 yr old?? BIG YES
(May 21)
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I have a positive outlook on the future
I strongly agree because:
I do feel quite positive about graduating knowing that NZ universities have a lot more on the plus side for NZ citizens than other countries, but then also feel that if I want a well-paying jobs I wont be able to find it in NZ and need to go somewhere like Europe or North America to fulfill that
(May 21)
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The schools are educating our children well
I am neutral because:
I'll say that the schools are educating our children well when my kids come home from school having enjoyed their day (every day) and also have learnt a good amount.
Take notes from Finland
(May 21)
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The "National Dog Database Project", which collates information on owners of dogs (and their dogs) should be scrapped
I strongly agree because:
I dont see the point of it at all. What does it even provide to the government other than maybe a dog census?
Can't people just go to the SPCA and adopt a dog without filing papers and buying unneeded collars ad identification?
Shouldnt someone be able to find a stray on the street and take them in with love without all the paperwork???
(May 21)
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Gay and Lesbian marriages should be allowed by law
I partially disagree because:
Its disgusting to even think of. If we let this happen, NZ is soon gonna be like America, full of transgenders, Bi sexuals, Gays and all sorts, and then it becoming incredibly rude to assume someones gender like we naturally should.
(May 21)
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NZ produces television shows of a high quality
I partially disagree because:
The only good NZ TV I can think of is Hunt for the Wilderpeople, other than that, I always enjoy American or British shows WAY more than I enjoy Kiwi ones. Can we actually make movies that don;t always have to be based around the Kiwi culture? Why can't we make adventure or thrillers that don't have to be based in NZ, and yet still be successful?
As you can see, things like Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit and the upcoming Mortal Engines aren't based in NZ at all, but are made here, and are the most successful ones and most enjoyable ones we have
(May 21)
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SKY TV provides good value for money
I partially disagree because:
I don't have Sky. I get by on Freeview. Of course I'd love to have Sky, but I cant afford it. Most of those shows should be given to you on Freeview anyways.
(May 21)
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A desirable target for the permanent population of New Zealand should be more than the current 4 million
I strongly agree because:
Our country is still small, and if you've noticed, all the best countries out there are the ones with the most citizens, and the only way of getting NZ to a high point is by getting a bigger population.
(May 21)
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Pakeha New Zealanders should remember their past as immigrants from Europe.
I partially disagree because:
It depends. They should be able to 'remember' their pasts if they're maybe 2nd generation kiwis, but if their family or at least one side of their family has been in the country since the 1800s or even the '30s they shouldn't even be called Pakeha anymore, they're Kiwis.
On one side of my family I'm a 2nd generation Kiwi of Dutch descent who emigrated here in 1954, and on the other side I come from Bohemian descent who has been in NZ since 1864.
I honestly think the term "Pakeha" is a bit offensive if you've been brought up in NZ and all that you know and live is NZ, you are genuinely a Kiwi.
If you are born in NZ, you should be a Kiwi. No Pakeha, no "emigrant" labels. Just Kiwi
(May 21)
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