The Government should invest more in environment sustainability and education projects?

On average, everyone strongly agrees with nonconsensus between 300 voters.


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The Government should invest more in environment sustainability and education projects

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Reasons To Disagree

More people should take it upon themselves to read the newspaper and pressure the government. It's the politicians who need to be educated.

10 November 2006

NO - we do not require gummint brain washing. The whole idea is WE instruct the gummint - THEY are supposed to listen and do as they are damn well told.

22 December 2009


Reasons To Agree

Industry is REactive, central planning can be proactive.

20 April 2006

Not just in education but in the whole of society people need to become more aware of the crisis upon us

5 August 2007

Ken Robinson... go to TedX or youtube and do a search on Ken Robinson, he's got the education solutions sussed. Yes investments in sustainability please!

26 June 2011

Reasons for Remain Neutral

Government needs to get behind better public transport - that includes Local Government.

13 August 2005

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