Rich nations should write off some debts of the poorest nations?
On average, everyone strongly agrees with nonconsensus between 235 voters. |
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Rich nations should write off some debts of the poorest nations
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Reasons To DisagreeThis only encourages poorer nations to continue to ask for money to get them out of the crap. 30 March 2006
No - instead, the International Borrowing Privledge should be removed. The IBP is made avaliable to any Govt (legitimate or not) and enables that Govt to borrow in the name of the Country, with no accountability as to where that money is spent. This means if a gang rises to power in a Third World Nation, they are entitled to borrow money from the World Bank to buy drugs, guns and more men, or whatever else they wish to spend that borrowed money on. Yet when a democratic Govt is elected, they are so heavily burdened with the debt (from illegitimate Govts) that they collapse. So the solution is not to remove debt, but remove access to obtaining it, or make it so that Third World Nations can only borrow money if they show they are spending it on the good of the Nation. Removing debt just means that there is more to borrow next time. 6 December 2006
not until a way can be agreed upon and enforced to ensure the encumbent government actually intends to benefit their poeple from the international goodwill. 1 October 2007
The debts are to taxpayers, why should they steal from taxpayers to forgive debt to anyone? To make poverty history person, how about you do that. I don't care and it is my right to not care. So how about you leave me alone and stop trying to steal what I earn in order to fulfill your own agenda. Helping is by definition supererogatory. 5 October 2012
Reasons To Agreeif colonialists hadnt gone in to places like south america and stolen all their resources (eg gold and silver) they wouldnt be in these situations. it is now up to the opressing nations to fix their messes. 15 February 2006
How can anyone sit at their comptuer with the world at there finger tips and disagree that New Zealand shouldn't help with the poverty in the world, how can people sit their with food in their frigde, water in their tap and income. We live in a country with everything we need yet we ask for more. why cant we as a country help? We live in a place where we have the resources, money and the people to help make a difference yet no one will! were all into oursleves. there's people sitting on their computer right now and saying no to making poverty history, and there's people in our world right now dying from dieases that are preventable, they're ding from their own water! Stop being so sick New Zeland and help these countries. It's becasue we live in New Zealand that we have to help 1 November 2006
Reasons for Remain Neutral
Depends on the individual circumstances for the countries in question.
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