Aid and debt write offs should be subject to the governments of poor nations meeting minimum human rights standards?

On average, everyone strongly agrees with nonconsensus between 231 voters.


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Aid and debt write offs should be subject to the governments of poor nations meeting minimum human rights standards

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Reasons To Disagree

Withholding aid from a country only hurts those most in need. A regime that is oppressing all or some of its citizens couldn't care less whether or not they receive aid, because they are not affected by the poverty and hardship.

30 August 2005

Iraq in the 1990s shows that impoverishing a country makes the people less able to overthrow a bad regime. A nation with healthy prosperous people is more capable of achieving a just government.

7 September 2005


Reasons To Agree

how can countries that practice rendition judge human rights?

15 February 2006

There should be a string of conditions imposed for any aid.

5 April 2006

Knowing that there are people dying every 3seconds in our world due to preventable dieases and not making any effort to help, and New Zealand per capta being the 3rd lowest country in the world to donate money to ending world poverty just shows that new zealand can not call themsleves a country that believes and shows human rights

1 November 2006

anything that encourages governments to meet human rights standards should be tried, and if money is the motivating force then so be it.

1 October 2007

Reasons for Remain Neutral

No reasons have yet been given to remain neutral.

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