Any imported products containing GE ingredients should be banned?
On average, everyone is neutral with significant nonconsensus between 297 voters. |
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Any imported products containing GE ingredients should be banned
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Reasons To DisagreeTHe N.Z.public have heard the arguments of both sides. I believe we should be allowed to make an informed choice regarding whether we wish to purchase such products. 14 February 2006
Consumer choice decides this one. Labelled, not banned. 20 April 2006
Consumer choice should be exercised here and the most important factor is clear reliable labelling to allow for an informed choice to be made. Sadly, many products contain GE ingredients as a part of food production which may be included in the final product but not be recognised as GE as it is part of an additive or similar. 26 July 2006
youd be baning a hell of a lot of stuff, inculding clothes! 3 November 2006
not banned just labeled wif a big "GE" sticker 1 May 2008
Yeah - right - pull up the portcullis. Stop the world we wanna get off. NZ should judge GE products on their merits - not blindly reject progress. 22 December 2009
Reasons To AgreeI am against importing the rest of the World's problems into NZ 26 March 2006
Just like with NZ-made GE, it MUST be labelled as GE - a large freaking note on it, not small print somewhere. Some of us don't want frog genes in our potatoes. 10 November 2006
Reasons for Remain Neutral
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