There is alot of community work that unemployed people could do in return for a minimum guaranteed wage.?

On average, everyone strongly agrees with nonconsensus between 278 voters.


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There is alot of community work that unemployed people could do in return for a minimum guaranteed wage.

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Reasons To Disagree

We shouldn't force people into community work. It is always nice when people contribute to their community, and we definately could benefit from any contribution. However this should be done by choice not reluctantly to ensure a wage. If there is community work to be done, advertise it and pay for it.

5 September 2005

need to be very careful in choosing the comminuty work they are given.

1 October 2007


Reasons To Agree

it gives them a bit of hands on expreince, cofidence and gives a bit of a routine and thats what alot of unemployed people need

20 March 2006

and often times community work treats you better

27 April 2007


15 September 2007

True - but not for compulsion. if you let people take ownership and have some pride and dignity, you might just find that they clean up their own back yards. the nicest places aren't those where the inhabitants have the least choice. give choice, give hope.

20 December 2007

True - but see taking jobs from others

17 February 2008

community work would need to be defined. Pride and dignity needs to be kept in mind, however, it would appear that the way to keep this up is to provide worthwhile work that the participants can take pride in while as the same time developing skills that they can "on sell" to "real" employers. Where is the pride being on welfare at home with little money to do anything and no reason to get out of bed in the morning?

28 October 2008

Yup yup yup all the way! Why hasnt this ever been implemented

30 June 2010

Link it to the Living Wage

14 October 2013

That's correct. Something to achieve, to do, to need.

17 August 2014

Reasons for Remain Neutral

The offer could be made, but there should be no compulsion. It is also important to remember that the minimum wage is a lot higher than what beneficiaries currently receive and so would cost more tax payers' money. I don't have a problem with that, but it is important right wingers remember this, because this seems to be a right wing idea but right wingers also happen not to like paying more tax.

2 February 2008

I think there's always one off cash jobs to be done , elderly need there groceries done , houses cleaned , working parents sometimes need babysitters , dog walkers , people to mow the lawns . Pick up rubbish , do a community garden the list goes on

26 March 2016

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