It was right for New Zealand to sign the Kyoto Protocol?

On average, everyone agrees with significant nonconsensus between 285 voters.


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It was right for New Zealand to sign the Kyoto Protocol

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Reasons To Disagree

It was wrong to sign the protocol, when the full implications, social and economic to the country were not realised. It has disadvantaged us in international trade.

14 February 2006

waste of time - we are penalising ourselves for no real benefit to the environment

18 August 2006

global warming is da biggest pile of shit since "evolution"

1 May 2008

No, lets not pay other countries for planting forests, or for our agriculture and industry, lets actually do something useful.

4 November 2008

Kyoto is a total waste of time, space and money - only idiots signed it.

22 December 2009

The world has been getting warmer for the last 200 years, since the end of the little ice age. The evidence that this is due to rising CO2 levels is not convincing.

6 July 2013


Reasons To Agree

YES - Because we live in global environment that is being harmed by human activites, and that will become in-habitable if we continue with current harmful activites. Money is not everything: we must act now to save the planet. Kyoto, while not going far enough, is a large step in the right direction.

24 March 2006

Yea that's one thing we beat Australia to the punch at ;) However... we certainly have not reduced our emissions to that of 1990... in fact it's increased!! Probably wasn't such a good idea if we weren't going to follow through!

26 June 2011

Reasons for Remain Neutral

Would need to learn more about kyoto protocol

4 July 2008

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