The waiting lists for urgent surgery are too long and need more funding?

On average, everyone strongly agrees with consensus between 238 voters.


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The waiting lists for urgent surgery are too long and need more funding

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Reasons To Disagree

The Waiting lists are long because free goods in limited supply must be restricted by administration alone. the problem is hence the administrative lack of alternatives for people, not the lack of central spending.

13 December 2007

See reply to Q1

17 February 2008


Reasons To Agree

Need to do more to ensure OT can work 24/7, goes back to workforce recruitment and retention

11 January 2006

Where is the money going, we as voters should be told this!!

21 June 2007

True. I had to wait a full two years before i could be treated on

6 August 2007

Where are funds going anyway?

4 July 2008

The bulk of health funding increases go on wages and salaries. More needs to 'ring fenced' for surgery medicines

13 September 2008

Provide the extra funding is not for management.

5 October 2008

The amount of money given to land claims, schlorships, and race based funding should be spent on the health care system that benefits all NZers. We all pay taxes and to be honest I don't see much return for my heavy expenditure.

17 July 2009

New Zealand medical service and facility is far BEHIND the Australian. It is a shame where the country charge the same TAX of 30% while the doctor quality is far below quality. The facts show many mistake made by the surgeon. Sometimes they open a patient stomach without any plan on what to do. This is a shame!

11 August 2012

Reasons for Remain Neutral

Yes wait times are too long, but is this a funding problem? We have enough theatres, but not enough nurses and surgeons. And WHY does the money allocated run out so quickly?

17 September 2005

Not enough information to make a decision. One of the more indepth questions on this site so far, in terms of implications.

20 April 2006

They're too long alright, but we need to spend smarter, not more.

10 October 2010

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