Physiotherapy should not be free for non New Zealanders?
On average, everyone agrees with nonconsensus between 240 voters. |
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Physiotherapy should not be free for non New Zealanders
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Reasons To DisagreeReciprocal arrangements between countries is the way to go. 17 February 2008
Reasons To AgreeWhy should we pay for non residents, unless it is the result of an accident 21 June 2007
We should be given 4 July 2008
I don't want to pay for a non New Zealander, if I go to their country do they pay for me 10 December 2011
Reasons for Remain Neutral
I agree with the reciprocal comment. It is time however we created more national pride and looked after kiwis and stop selling our NZOE's to other countries too.
This depends on the country and what trades they have. Obviously if they have sanctions against each other, then it's not free. But for others who do in their country, then it's free.
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