Ending the war on terrorism will decrease future terrorism?
On average, everyone is neutral with significant nonconsensus between 226 voters. |
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Ending the war on terrorism will decrease future terrorism
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Reasons To DisagreeCould anyone actually be gullible enough to believe this? 24 April 2006
No - it would merely encourage them to fight on. And, yes - there are plenty who think otherwise - that's why there's a war. 20 September 2006
Terrorists are bullies. And use terrorist acts as a means to coerce you into doing what they want 28 October 2008
Reasons To AgreeHow can a war be waged against what a person feels or deeply believes? There is no war on terror. A brief reminder, Ronald Regan also declared war on terror, so we are now having the second war on terror even though Mr Regan tried to stamp it out. I suspect it only more firmly stamped it in. 10 February 2007
Reasons for Remain Neutral
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