Democracy is the best way to rule a country?

On average, everyone strongly agrees with consensus between 405 voters.


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Democracy is the best way to rule a country

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Reasons To Disagree

Democracy is supposed to be a way for a country to rule itself.

1 November 2005

Only those who can't think for themselves need dictators. Not now, not ever.

28 November 2005

Democracy just blinds the people to their powerlessness. Permanent revolution, and a Soviet would be more democratic and prevent the establishment of a ruling elite.

10 February 2007

Actually a benevolent dictatorship is probably the best. The trouble is finding someone who has (and maintains) the ability, wisdom and humility to hold the position.

21 June 2008

Democracy is good to an extent but We just have to many mps to represent such a small country. We need to halve the amount of seats get rid of mmps and ban single race orientated parties

3 July 2009

DEMOCRACY? YEAH, RIGHT! The fact that they ignore the massive anti-ant-smack referendum proves that democracy is a falacy. The so called democracy we "enjoy" is simply the imposition of all the crackpot ideas of the biggest gang on the block in total disregard of the rest. Far superior would be a republic with a very strong constitution which restricts and restrains the gummint to its proper function which is to protect the freedoms of the individual. The Founding Fathers of the USA had the principles, vision, honesty and integrity to formulate their declaration of rights - a brilliant foundation stone for any and every nation.

1 September 2009

Democracy is 51% rules 49% and they can become their slaves!! Do your reading and have a look at how bad a democracy is. A republic is far saferjust google democracy versus republic!! Be Careful the comments made here are not all that accurate in the two coloumns and do your own investigation. Just realise that democracy is not what you think it is.

4 November 2009

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner

27 August 2012


Reasons To Agree

Democracy has always been the prefered way of ruling a country, especially in New Zealand. It is the peoples right to have a say in the way a country is run, and it is the prime-minister and polititions responsibility to carry out their promises and the wishes of the people they represent.

9 November 2005

If only we had it, we only elect who is to dictate to us.

27 November 2005

i just wish it existed here

2 January 2006

It's not perfect but no one has come up with any better system

12 February 2006

There is better ways for democracy with todays technologies voters could be more hands on with text voting on a regular basis keeping the true intentions of the party more voter based and eliminating personal agendas and opportunities for corruption!

7 August 2006

We are no longer in a democracy will not be long and we will look like th Russians of past.

16 August 2006

But without an equitable economic model, it is little more than slavery by cunning as opposed to slavery by force.

20 August 2006

I don't support Hedgemoney but I do support democracy.

24 August 2007

I think thus far, it is the best way to rule or run a country. But I don't agree that it is how it's being done in New Zealand at the moment.

6 November 2007

Whoever said being a republic would be better, I agree. But I don't know where you get the idea that a republic isn't a democracy. The United States is a democracy and a republic.

21 December 2007

Democracy is the most "fair" to the masses, en masse - but not necessarily the "best". but human nature teaches us to favour being fair above being the best, as being 'fair' meanst the powerful owe a duty of care to the 'meek' - and outlaws STUPID and RECKLESS claims based around "the greater good"

27 December 2007

its only a shame NZ is run by a party dictatorship called "democracy"

1 May 2008

Only with a good constitution and checks on corruption. Quote, campaign finance in America where with an loby investment $millions of profit can be gained with state protection, tax breaks and subsidies, ect.

5 October 2008

Democracy limits the swing of the pendulum from good to bad, while good dictators can do more for a country than a good democracy, a bad dictator can do a lot worse than a poor democracy. If only we had an equal democracy, where a party other than labour or national actually had a chance to influence policy.

4 November 2008

its not fool-proof, but its the best thing the humanity has

10 June 2009

It's hard to knock democracy, but it needs to work better than the one we have. As a society we need to put more effort into making sure that the voters understand the issues and politicians need to be made accountable for their promises and for the results of their actions. I believe that party politics has passed its use-by date.

10 October 2010

NZ's political system is not very democratic.

2 December 2012

Democracy is the best, but there might be a time where a good dictator prevails.

31 March 2013

Reasons for Remain Neutral

I haven't experienced any other form of government. But it would seem to me that aspects of this government is a dictatorship and not a democracy.

23 June 2007

Democracy can either be with representative or popular governance (direct democracy). Purely representative democracy like we have now assigns too much power to individuals and power tends to corrupt. Popular governance needs to be structured in a way to counter mobocracy. This can be done by assigning sovereignty back to the affected community. In this way city values don't dictate to rural lifestyles etc. It also allows for local resource management... after all we don't want to sh*t in our own backyards. Palparty is based on this model.

21 March 2011

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