A God exists?

On average, everyone is neutral with significant nonconsensus between 426 voters.


Please read the comments from other voters below, then scroll down make your decision. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

A God exists

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Reasons To Disagree

Humans created religion - humans created 'God'.

1 September 2005

i personally believe that there is no god, humans created the consept of god many years ago to have something to believe in and govern people over. i personally believe that the origin of humanity is completely scientific. When you think about it, how many wars have humans fought over gods and religeon? to be honest, most. if we ever want true world peace religeon should be abolished.

8 November 2005

There's no evidence that any god exists - gods are the invention of mystics, charlatans and anybody who wants to back up his ideas but lacks cogent arguments..

30 September 2007

Sorry no God doesnt exist and if God did, why cant "he" be a female why is religion so male orientated, conspiracy perhaps to control women?

14 January 2008

For people who say cars need intelligent design it must follow that everything required intelligent design, here's some news: we know for a fact that cars were built by people. What we don't know is if everything was created by a god and no evidence exists to say one does. It is stupid to take something that is known to have been designed and built and compare it to something that is not known to have been designed and built.

2 February 2008

...who created god? Theres infinitely more intelligent design in an omnipotent, invisbile yet all powerful and infallable being, isnt therE?

30 June 2010

Probably not. But I can't share Richard Dawkins' certainty. The universe(s) playing field does seem to be tilted a little by something.

10 October 2010

No evidence

5 September 2011

The idea of a god is ridiculous if looked at without any prior knowledge. Why then should it be considered plausibile?

17 December 2011


Reasons To Agree

I would agree more with the statement simply that "God exists" Agree or Disagree.

23 June 2006

why eles would we be here? and what would we be living for without a God?

1 November 2006

To me a god is somone who created all things, why not believe?

7 March 2007

Hell yes! :)

5 May 2007

Yes because Parker is god, he goes by the name of Blake Parker. he has been god for ever and i talk to him every weekend on MSN. his adress is pdiddyparker@hotmail.com

29 June 2007

The evidence for God's existance is all around us. In dismissing it we need to be sure we are not simply rejecting personal accountability. If non living things like car engines or computors need intelligent design to function, how much more are the design requirements for the uncountable number of living things that inhabit our world. Moreover, what of the mathmatical perfection that keeps the gravitational pressure, the orbit of the sloar system, the temperature of the earth, etc suitable to support life.

28 October 2007

There may be more than one God though. And perhaps a goddess of some sort? I'm positive we went through evolution as well! After all, humans were the last created. That is why we realize SO MUCH around us with each passing day. We too, over the years, have learned from animals.

16 July 2008

To not belive in God is to believe that you are a meaningless spec of nothing. Even if God doesnt exist, why would anyone indentify themselves as numerical formula formed by sheer chance? Dont people want to have any respect for themselves? Do you really think that you are nothing?

31 July 2008

A god? THE God.

20 May 2009

I think that just because there is no hard evidence that God exists, that dosn't mean that there is no God. DNA wasn't discovered until the 1950s but dosn't mean that it didn't exist until then. We are very far from having discovered all that science can discover, and science has very much proven that there are concepts which are almost impossible to comprehend and have never been imagined before. If science hasn't proven that God exists or that he dosn't, it has proven that anything is possible and that our world isn't always what it seems

23 June 2009

meet God in person at 5

14 October 2013

Reasons for Remain Neutral

God exists... as a concept.

4 August 2005

I don't have enough faith to even be an atheist

10 January 2007

Agree totally

4 May 2007

if thats what you wanna believe!

9 March 2008

There is indeed a God, just as there is a Santa. Don't dismiss that - you need to hear it out. Redefine existence to include that which is not physically real. Think of Santa. Can I prove his existence? No. But I am certainly able to prove the impact he has on people. From the kids who put cookies out on Christmas Eve to the parents reading a Christmas Carol. He's part of society. And the spirit of Christmas, all the good and happiness (perhaps stolen from Jesus) is personified in the form of Santa Claus. Is there a fat man in a red suit who gives gifts to all the good children of the world? Doubt it. Does Santa Exist? Yes - Undeniably. Can I prove God's existence? No. But again, I can prove the impact he has. Billions of people have a God they worship. They use God for strength, for courage and so they don't feel insignificant. The idea of God gives people the power to strive, the passion to achieve and the desire to do good. Is there a man in the clouds influencing everything in the world? Probably not. Does God exist? Definitely.

12 June 2009

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