I am happy for taxes to increase to pay for any improvements I require in the health system?
On average, everyone is neutral with significant nonconsensus between 199 voters. |
Please read the comments from other voters below, then scroll down make your decision. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
I am happy for taxes to increase to pay for any improvements I require in the health system
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Reasons To DisagreeThe demands on this system will never reduce if we keep throwing money at it, we need to find alternative solutions. 24 April 2006
NO - stop paying obsene wages to heads of departments and start investing in the health of the nation 27 April 2007
Taxes don't NEED to increase for this end - just efficiency and a reduction in the bureuacracy. 17 February 2008
government have enough money and they also waste enough if they need more I say sack some of those useless bastards they have in parliament 1 May 2008
No. We NEED to start investing in the health of the nation-Mentally and physically! 16 July 2008
With the same taxes charged as the Australian, NZ medical is wear below quality. Better fix the health minister first before blame is to the citizen and asked them to pay more money. Nonsense! 11 August 2012
Private insurance is better value, I only have to pay for the cover I receive. 27 August 2012
Make it more like, get rid of the wasted money, legalise hemp for human consumption for a start, it's a wonder food, I tell you. 14 August 2014
Reasons To AgreeLike it or not our health system functions in the global market place. NZ cannot moraly or ethically continue head-hunt health professionals from third world countries. We have to train our own and pay to keep them here. 13 September 2008
Provide it realy goes into the right kitty. 5 October 2008
Reasons for Remain Neutral
It is not an easy decision. Yes, we need more funding for health & I would be ok with my taxes increasing. But, what guarantees are there to show the funds will be allocated to actual 'frontline' areas, as opposed to the administrative (HOD's) areas.
It does help to learn where and how the money is getting spent.. if you ever find out that is.
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