There is life after death as reincarnation?

On average, everyone strongly disagrees with nonconsensus between 376 voters.


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There is life after death as reincarnation

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Reasons To Disagree

Born, live, die: end of story? Yep.

20 April 2006

Nonsense - when you die - that's it - fini!.

30 September 2007

I don't really like to think I was someone else. (Kind of creepy when you think about it..) I just like to think I'm myself....

16 July 2008

Yeah, right.

10 October 2010

I personally think that this is impossible, unless you are talking about the possibility of some of your atoms eventually being a part of another living organism.

17 December 2011

There is no evidence for it, the work of Ian Stevenson is about as reliable as the work of chimp with a typewriter

27 August 2012


Reasons To Agree

My personal belief is that once you die, you come back as another human, i dont believe that you come back as something higher or lower than a human depending on how you lived your previous life, i believe that you come back as another human with no recolection of your past life but the same beliefs.

8 November 2005

Yes cause there is good evidence for it, look at the Research of Ian Stevenson.

29 July 2008

Reasons for Remain Neutral

Is this why I have a mortal fear of roach traps..?

10 January 2007

Only at the end of time, when Jesus comes back.

5 May 2007

Maybe, there seems to be alot of people who think this

11 August 2011

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