There is no God nor divinity?

On average, everyone disagrees with significant nonconsensus between 383 voters.


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There is no God nor divinity

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Reasons To Disagree

To not believe in God is to believe that your life is utterly meaningless and of no consequence; a mere random cosmic accident. No human being can truly deny God when faced with such a stark choice.

30 August 2005

If you do not believe in God your life is empty and sad. What do you atheists do to get you through the day, drink 10 cups of coffee?

20 May 2009


Reasons To Agree

I don't believe in god for the same reason you don't believe in aliens. Sure, if I lived 200 or more years ago I'd probably believe what I was told, but I think our understanding of culture, society, psycology and science has gotten to the point where there's essentially no justification (that's right, you need justification for your beliefs) for regarding religion as anything more than superstition (and the most destructive and divisive thing in the world today). Furthermore, I take offence at anyone who suggests that my life is meaningless and of no consequence. When you finally take your head out of the sand you'll realise that there is far more to spiritual life without blinding religious dogma.

31 August 2005

We all need a purpose (or at least think we do), but who says we actually have one?

23 September 2007

Absolutely! If you need to invent a god to "give meaning" to your life you, I pity you. Any "meaning" to your life is generated by yourself according to your own rationally derived values. Your "purpose" in life is to enjoy it - in the pursuit of those values.

30 September 2007

99% certainty for me. Quantum Theory is so damn weird that one can't discount anything 100%. :)

10 October 2010

No evidence to suggest it is, so why bother? Sure my life is meaningless, doesn't mean I cant enjoy it, it also doesnt mean my life has no value. In a way, you make your own purpose in life. My purpose is to lead a long happy life, and I am content with that. I dont need there to be some *bigger meaning* to be happy.

17 December 2011

In answer to "Coffee guy" I live a happy productive life following a strict ethical code without being forced to by the thought some imaginary deity is going to give me a metaphysical smackdown if I disobey. My life is filled by those things I choose to fill it with and meaning is gleaned from what I enjoy.

5 October 2012

Reasons for Remain Neutral

No reasons have yet been given to remain neutral.

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