The "National Dog Database Project", which collates information on owners of dogs (and their dogs) should be scrapped?
On average, everyone disagrees with significant nonconsensus between 163 voters. |
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The "National Dog Database Project", which collates information on owners of dogs (and their dogs) should be scrapped
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Reasons To DisagreeWhile it may not prevent a dog bite, it helps in prosecution. The unfortunate fact of it all is that there are hopeless dog-owners who care not for their dogs, passers-by or the Law. Until people can examine their own likely responsibility when it comes to owning a dog, then we won't need these laws. 15 April 2007
Reasons To AgreeYet more duties for those who would, in any case, abide by the law on controlling their dogs. It will be of no deterrance at all to those it is intended to bring into line. It should also be opposed for being a dummy run for the citizen ID card system below. 22 May 2006
It's a total waste of taxpayers money - it will not prevent a single dog bite. 21 July 2006
Irresponsible dog owners will remain irresponsible - in a database or not. It still won't stop the dogs from biting. 22 June 2007
It was creted as an emotional reaction to a couple of high profile dog attack cases. That's a bad time to create a sweeping and expensive law like this. 2 December 2012
I dont see the point of it at all. What does it even provide to the government other than maybe a dog census? Can't people just go to the SPCA and adopt a dog without filing papers and buying unneeded collars ad identification? Shouldnt someone be able to find a stray on the street and take them in with love without all the paperwork??? 21 May 2017
Reasons for Remain Neutral
Unless universal not phased over lifetime or exemptions it is useless. The cost must betax funded for proper compliance
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