The "Electronic Health Record Project" (the centralisation of personal health records into a government database) should be scrapped. ?

On average, everyone disagrees with significant nonconsensus between 152 voters.


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The "Electronic Health Record Project" (the centralisation of personal health records into a government database) should be scrapped.

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Reasons To Disagree

Collecting data like this can save lives and improve helth care. However, firm measures should be made to ensure privacy, and to actually punish people who violate the privacy of people's health records.

2 December 2012


Reasons To Agree

Centralising our health records will remove our privacy. Anyone who works in the health system, with access to the database, will be able to see your confidential health records. Currently your health records are stored only with your GP, and if you change GPs you officially request your records be moved from one GP to the next, thus controlling the maximum number of people who have access to this information. I assume there will be some security/logging like the IRD system, but we have all heard about the IRD employees surfing the tax records of famous people, don't let it happen to your health records. For the small amount of admin time saved from such a system, we loose so much privacy and trust in our doctors.

2 September 2005

I wholeheartedly agree with the points already made in favour of scrapping the project.

22 May 2006

Any increase in bureaucracy is a costly waste of money. But gummint love to increase their P C Public "Servant" roll - it gives them a larger group of dependent voters.

21 July 2006

Wouldn't want to let health insurance companies get hold of this information....

22 June 2007

Reasons for Remain Neutral

Privacy is a real concern, unfortunately, I like the idea of one docter being able to check what another docter has done, makes incompetence harder to hide

19 September 2005

The other thing is that studies have shown that the benefits of having an entire medical record available are not as great as may be thought. They can tend to make doctors pre-judge a situation, rather than coming at it with an open mind. It is useful to have information like blood type/allergies available though. And it may be useful to have a record of past x rays/ symptoms as well. But the privacy implications are worrying. A GP (or sexual health clinic!) visit is personal information. I wouldn't want someone sitting in judgement on my health information (and I haven't led that unusual a life!)

30 January 2006

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