In order to provide tax cuts, the government should lower superannuation payments?
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In order to provide tax cuts, the government should lower superannuation payments
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Reasons To DisagreeThe pension should not be played with, ever. Respect the elderly because they are you in years to come 25 March 2006
Pensioners cannot change the facts of the last 40 years. To move forward we need to plan for the next 40 not the last. Untill we think 40-60 years out and have money where Govt's cant touch it (why cullens plan is doomed to failure) we will always see our elderly suffer. 19 June 2006
we have a huge budget surplus - we can afford both 12 October 2007
The gummint completely f'd up my pension plans. What has been promised MUST be paid - pensioners have no way out. 28 September 2008
Current superannuitants were promised a living wage (or pension) when they retired. Many of them paid for it we should not be cutting into their income especially as they are no longer in a position to replace that income by working. 28 October 2008
Don't lower the payments. Increase the age of entitlement and claw-back some of it from those retirees on high incomes - say over $30,000. 11 October 2010
Reasons To AgreeONly once the private sector is able to provide options for taxpayers once taxes are 10% or less. 13 August 2006
Yes, superannuation should eventually be cut altogether. But only after the government sells of it's assets and give said money back to the elderly for the decades of tax that they have had taken from them. With inflation taken into account. The care of the elderly should be sorted by their families first. Private Health insurance second and by true charity third. All after being back paid for their long life of taxation. 6 June 2011
Reasons for Remain Neutral
This is a chicken and egg question. If taxes were lower, people would be able to save more themselves so the government wouldn't need to support them as much.
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