John Key will probably be the next Prime Minister irrespective of what i vote in the next election?
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John Key will probably be the next Prime Minister irrespective of what i vote in the next election
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Reasons To DisagreeI sure hope not - because I don't want to see a repeat of the privitisation, etc that happened in the 1990s y'see. 16 March 2007
never ever rule out labour - or Helen Clark. that would be a big mistake to make. 26 September 2007
The Key is so easy to turn. 12 October 2007
I bloody hope not. He lacks integrity. Aside from that, the National Party will be the same poor-hating, Maori-bashing, environment-screwing, big-business loving Party it always has been if it gets into government. 6 November 2007
Reasons To Agreei hate to say it, but i do worry about it 19 February 2007
I'm not totaly sure if it irrespective of how I vote but I think he'll make a good Prime Minister. Then again any one would compared to the one we have at the moment! 22 February 2007
I hope so - Anything to get rid of the dictators we have in power at the moment. Although there are many aspects of National and John Key especially that I am not happy with, currently the only person (or people like) I would not vote to replace Clarkie would be Hitler - probably because I would be voting for the same person... 14 March 2007
NZ wants change. 5 May 2007
He's a fantastic politician and I think he is doing a brilliant job in restoring the country's faith in national. 5 May 2007
I'm not really a supporter of national, and this is probably due to my parents views, however i feel New Zealand does need a change in government. So yeah, even if i could vote (i am not old enough) and voted for anyone besides National, it wouldn't really matter because right now it looks like national is going to win. 18 July 2008
I hope so!! I personally believe he will make a really good prime minister, anyone that has grown up how he has, from a really poor family and has made himself a very successful business man obviously has some idea of what hes doing in life and what needs to be done to improve an economy. 21 August 2008
i hate the guy, i think hes too slimy for words. but yes, i think it will happen. helen rules! 14 September 2008
anyone would be better than what we got now! 14 September 2008
Helen Clark is gay 21 October 2008
I have read the comments in this section with some alarm... why are people so basic, insulting and downright rude about someone they have only seen on TV. I've met them both (Key and Clarke) and they are both exceptional NZer's, too good to be running this dicky little second-class country stuck at the bottom of nowhere populated by half-wits. 1 November 2008
Well he is, and all those who posted comments under 'disagree' have been proved resoundingly wrong! 1 May 2009
I agree because it already happened. 30 June 2010
finally, a prime minister that is human! 18 July 2011
Labour party need a more strong leader if they want to prevail. 31 March 2013
Reasons for Remain Neutral
QUOTE"I bloody hope not. He lacks integrity. Aside from that, the National Party will be the same poor-hating, Maori-bashing, environment-screwing, big-business loving Party it always has been if it gets into government."QUOTE I think those are some pretty harsh remarks there, i think national IS the way to go for New Zealand and the size of our economy, maybe when we get bigger we can go back to Labour but no right now. Just look at what John Howard has done to Australia; It is THRIVING, no wonder more than 3000+ move to australia every week! and now since thier economy has almost peaked, it is now labours turn to have a crack, and cracking they are!!
Who knows? But ANYBODY else will be an improvement on the present control freak dominatrix. Well, almost anyone else, not Winnie the Poo obviously! In any case, if the dom'x gets in again - it's OZ for me and my family.
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