Government should not significantly interfere in the market dynamics of building industry?
On average, everyone agrees with significant nonconsensus between 39 voters. |
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Government should not significantly interfere in the market dynamics of building industry
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Reasons To DisagreeThen what would government do? From how i see it the goverments job is to govern everything above land owner. 8 November 2016
Reasons To AgreeGovernment should always have a consistent and stable influence on "edge" of the building industry to build more quality low cost homes for those who can ill afford them, and provide some consistent employment in that sector. However, it is inefficient for it to interfere with upper/middle class property developments. Let market forces dictate those prices. Let the goverment merely influence via its parallel (yet consistent) building developments. 26 April 2007
including over bidding for floor space required for helen's burgeoning bureaucracy, foring up inflation and interest rates! 16 December 2007
Other than assuring that the standards they set are adequate, and policing those standards effectively - KEEP OUT OF IT. Gummint is largely responsible for the leaky house prob. 17 February 2008
Reasons for Remain Neutral
What does significantly mean in this context?
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