We should use a more stable currency for regular comparisons, like the Euro, rather than US$.?

On average, everyone agrees with nonconsensus between 35 voters.


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We should use a more stable currency for regular comparisons, like the Euro, rather than US$.

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Reasons To Disagree

No reasons have yet been given to disagree with this statement

Reasons To Agree

Definitely, the US$ is going through a crazy cycle. The NZ$ is overvalued, but only within the normal bands against currencies like the pound and AU$. When we compare it against the US$, it looks crazy, but thats their doing, and there is nothing we can do about their currency.

28 July 2007

ALL currencies should return to the gold standard. Comparing floating currencies is illogical, nonsensical, meaningless and futile. The result is a circulating argument producing fiscal chaos.

28 September 2008

Reasons for Remain Neutral

Don't we usually use the trade weighted index?

12 October 2007

That was last year's news. What stable Euro?

10 October 2010

We should get rid of 10, 20 and 50 cent pieces.

31 March 2013

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