We should decrease government spending to decrease inflation?

On average, everyone agrees with significant nonconsensus between 37 voters.


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We should decrease government spending to decrease inflation

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Reasons To Disagree

Which government spending should we cut? Health? Education? Infrastructure projects?

28 July 2007


Reasons To Agree

Michael Cullen always rants out the same line here about cutting spending on education, cheaper doctors visits health etc but the reality is the Government spends (or should I say wastes) huge amounts of money on consultants many of whom are not needed and making sure we have iwi representatives on every board imaginable (and ones we cant imagine) and on other PC crap like that. This is where the cuts should come.

2 August 2007

Reduce the number of MPs for starters! Commissar Clark and Minnie Mouse Cullen spend YOUR money to buy YOUR votes to keep THEM in power.IT IS GUMMINTS THAT CAUSE INFLATION - ESPECIALLY LABOUR!

28 September 2008

I am always for cutting spending but the reason should be the fact it is the only moral course.

27 August 2012

Reasons for Remain Neutral

Yes, but not on infrastructure.

10 October 2010

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