Improving the environment is a requirement in my choice of a political party?

On average, everyone is neutral with significant nonconsensus between 60 voters.


Please read the comments from other voters below, then scroll down make your decision. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Improving the environment is a requirement in my choice of a political party

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Reasons To Disagree

Man accounts for 0.005% of Global Warming gases and it's OUR fault?! C'mon!! Watch "The Great Global Warming Swindle" and relax!

10 December 2007

The problem with the evironment is that most people are too poor to do anything about it. fix that, and you have my vote.

14 December 2007

Don't care have already made up my mind

31 January 2008


Reasons To Agree

Yes - we could improve the environment - but not via Kyoto or any such stupid schemes. Just tidy up our act in a rational way - and make full and sensible use of all the resources available to us.

30 September 2007

NZ is beautiful, cant we keep it this way?

30 June 2010

Reasons for Remain Neutral

No reasons have yet been given to remain neutral.

My View

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