Enhancing christian values is a requirement in my choice of a political party ?

On average, everyone disagrees with significant nonconsensus between 63 voters.


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Enhancing christian values is a requirement in my choice of a political party

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Reasons To Disagree

"Christian values" is basically code for gay bashing.

6 November 2007

Christianity is a reference to values, not a mandate. a whole lot of atrocities have been committed in the name of God.

14 December 2007

I think thats stupid no one should be forced to do things or believe things they dont want to it wil just cause people to rebel and create more hassles let people get on with their lives and believe what they want to.

21 August 2008

I'm looking for principles - from which values logically derive - not religion which is simply superstitious, mystical baloney.

1 September 2009

What about the bleeding economy guys?!

10 October 2010


Reasons To Agree

You don't need to be a Christian to know that Christain values need to be restored in our community.

27 September 2007

christian vales should be renamed to honest values.

31 January 2008

Depends what you mean by Christian values? Honesty, respect for others and their property, Taking care of those around us - sure. All kids should be taught that.

21 June 2008

Reasons for Remain Neutral

I'm a Catholic, but a left-wing. The Christian moral values I support, but political values....not so much. Homophobia is just as bad as the South African Racism.

27 August 2009

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