The government should not own any airports?

On average, everyone disagrees with significant nonconsensus between 66 voters.


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The government should not own any airports

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Reasons To Disagree

This type of infrastructure is a natural monopoly. It should be publicly owned to prevent profit taking and other abuse.

20 August 2008

Any natural monopoly should be owned by government. If its so easy to compete, let a private operator start a new airport.

3 October 2008

This is vital infrastructure. Should be owned by the state.

10 October 2010


Reasons To Agree

Gummint has no legitimate place in business. Can't you remember the mess it was???

28 September 2008

How is it easy to compete with your hands tied behind your back? Natural monopolies owned by a government is legislated into existence - it isn't there as a competitive monopoly. Governments have no place in business for the very fact that it's too easy to manipulate for corrupt political reasons, instead of viable commercial ones.

5 March 2009

The government should own a military airport for the 1 defense force we should really have an airforce. but thats it

3 July 2009

It is not the place of government to run any commercial concern. By owning such they are in effect making us all shareholders in a company open to business risks; they do not have the right to do so.

27 August 2012

Reasons for Remain Neutral

No reasons have yet been given to remain neutral.

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