Parents on the DPB in shared care arrangements should be required to seek work?
On average, everyone agrees with nonconsensus between 38 voters. |
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Parents on the DPB in shared care arrangements should be required to seek work
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Reasons To DisagreeThat sounds very tidy and logical, however who will take car of a sick child? 4 April 2012
what if the children are under five, is there a point to vote who can and could work! 16 August 2012
Reasons To AgreeThe BPD should be abolished 27 August 2012
part time care of a child or children is no excuse not to work. My new partner and I have 5 kiddies between us - my 2 full time, his 3 5 nights per fortnight (currently battling for more time) We both work full time. you juggle it, its no different to a standard family or single parent who chooses to work - you get sitters and after school care, etc 30 April 2013
totally agree 10 July 2013
Reasons for Remain Neutral
Pretty hard to get a job you only work fortnightly
I agree that a parent who shares the care of children should be required to be working full-time. However, If a parent has other dependent children other then the children that they share then allowances need to be made for this situation.
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