The NZ economy is in good shape?
On average, everyone agrees with nonconsensus between 296 voters. |
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The NZ economy is in good shape
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Reasons To DisagreeWith our BOP deficit we are poised on the edge of an abyss. 7 November 2006
It's a disaster. In my lifetime we've slid from the second richest nation in the world to about 40th - depends on how you do the sums. Since John Key set out to "catch up with Australia" our OECD ranking in per capita GDP (the wealth we each generate) has fallen 5 places and Australia's had risen 5 places. It's all about productivity. I could go on for hours about this... :o) 10 October 2010
This is a very misleading question as it is asking for an individuals perspective on a national measure. Perhaps a more meaningful question would be: What economic shape are New Zealand households in? Also, what economic shape are New Zealand communities in. As this is where my loyalty lies I would say very poor shape. As for the national question, the government has been borrowing needlessly and saving money, the Crown has been saving money, the banking industry has been making money... all at the expense of New Zealand household wealth. If you wish to know more about this go to = a popular associative and lawful option of governance. 21 March 2011
Definitely not. Remember the gap between 'rich; and 'poor' and the OCED in education as well. That's a negative sign of NZ doing badly. 17 August 2014
Reasons To AgreeNo reasons have yet been given to agree with the statement. |
Reasons for Remain Neutral
hard to say , when Mr cullen finds money he didn't think he had . Ours of course .
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