I have good employment or good employment is readilly accessible?

On average, everyone agrees with nonconsensus between 281 voters.


Please read the comments from other voters below, then scroll down make your decision. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

I have good employment or good employment is readilly accessible

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Reasons To Disagree

I do not have a job that reflects my education or experience. I am exceptionally under-employed! It is not from want nor trying.

5 September 2005

I've retired!

7 November 2006

Nelson is full of greedy employers who want to pay minium wage for maxium effort - NEWS break - minimum wage = minimum effort

27 April 2007

I am currently studying and looking for a part time job I can not find one I know people that have taken 3 months to get a job and they are qualified experience people there are no jobs at the moment.

21 August 2008


Reasons To Agree

No reasons have yet been given to agree with the statement.

Reasons for Remain Neutral

I'm retired

10 May 2007

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