The environment is in good shape?

On average, everyone is neutral with nonconsensus between 292 voters.


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The environment is in good shape

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Reasons To Disagree

We still persist in the myth that NZ is 'clean and green', yet local pollution is rife (dairy factories discharging their waste into streams, etc), we continue to drive ridiculously large gas guzzlers the length and breadth of the country and rely on travellers and backpackers flying in from thousands of miles away to prop up our fragile economy increasingly based on the house of cards that is tourism

10 January 2007


Reasons To Agree

NZ is a still a beautiful, clean, wholesome country. Pollution is not "rife" here. The individuall freedoms of people should be protected more those of plants and animals. Save The Humans.... they're an endangered species in this age of conservation. I've heard "man" described by high profile environmentalists recently as "nothing but a cancer on our planet," and "no more than a virus." A very low opinion of human beings indeed.

10 December 2007

Reasons for Remain Neutral

NZ has made some terrible blunders (mostly through ignorance) which have resulted in highly regretable damage to the environment. We must use our environment wisely but to our advantage - we are "natural" too! We can and must shape our world to suit us best. But we are being fed a load of scientific rubbish by the global warming lobby - the left want to get more control (and, of course, taxation) over us - that's why they are feeding us disinformation, exageration and lies.

7 November 2006

It's a clean and green country yes but there's heaps of other factors which are not helping which include the number of cars being on the road and using oil/gas which we are running out of and has high pollution levels. Roads and buildings are largely ignored and feels more like being in a 'poor country' overall even though it is a good nation to live in.

17 August 2014

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